KKB Engineering Berhad (KKBEB)

About Us

Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (“the Board”) recognizes and subscribes to the importance of adopting high standards of Corporate Governance within the Group. Good Corporate Governance adds value to the Group and is therefore an integral part of the Group’s business dealings and culture. The Board will continue to enhance corporate governance in order to safeguard the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.

Audit Committee (View PDF)

  • Risk & Sustainability Committee (View PDF)
  • External Auditors
  • Internal Auditors

Nomination & Remuneration Committee (View PDF)

 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy (View PDF)

 Board Charter (View PDF)

 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (View PDF)

 Corporate Disclosure Policy (View PDF)

 Directors' Fit & Proper Policy (View PDF)

 Dividend Policy (View PDF)

 Gender Diversity Policy (View PDF)

 Remuneration Policy and Procedures (View PDF)

 Succession Planning Policy (View PDF)

 Sustainability Policy (View PDF)

 Whistle Blowing Policy & Procedures (View PDF)

 Privacy Policy (View PDF)